(As per Chapter-II, Para (4) (b) of the RTI Act 2005)
1.0 About the RTI Act and Rules
For details of the RTI Act 2005, please see Hindi (867 KB) / Marathi (1436 KB)
/ English (810 KB)
Transparency Officer - |
Shri. Dhiraj Singh |
Appellete Authority - |
Shri. Prateek Jain, IIS |
Public Information Officer - |
Shri. Dhiraj Meshram |
For supply of information related to the activities of Film Wing. |
Shri. Sandeep Shahare |
For supply of information related to the activities of Television Wing. |
Shri Vijay Kharat |
For supply of information on Account & Finance matters |
Shri.Subhash.K. Dekate |
For supply of Information on Administrative matters. |
2.1 About Appellate Authority & PIO (142 KB)
2.2 Orders passed by First Appellate Authority
3.0 About the Institute
3.1 Name
The Film and Television Institute of India, Pune
3.2 Objective of the Institute
The main objective of Film and Television Institute of India is to develop suitable patterns of teaching in all branches of film and television, both at under-graduate and post-graduate levels, so as to establish high standards of films and television education in India.
For functions, dutiesand other details refer to Memorandum Of Association (96 KB)
3.3 Brief history of the Institute
The Film Institute of India was set-up by the Government of India in 1960 under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. Following the addition of Television Wing in 1974, the Institute was re-designated as Film and Television Institute of India. The Institute became a Society in October, 1974 under the Registration of Societies’ Act, 1860. The Society consists of eminent personalities connected with Film, Television, Communication, Culture, Alumni of Institute and Ex-Officio Government Members. The Institute is governed by a Governing Council, headed by a Chairman who is an eminent person from the fields of cinema, television and the arts. The academic policies and plans of the Institute are formulated by the Academic Council. The matters involving finance are controlled by the Standing Finance Committee.
3.4 Organizational Structure
The Society constituted by Ministry Of Information & Broadcasting (MIB), Government Of India, runs the Institute through a Governing Council (GC) in accordance with the Memorandum of Association. President of the Society, nominated by the MIB, is also the Chairman of FTII Governing Council.
The Rules & Regulations are framed by Governing Council in the form of Rules of FTII (134 KB) , Service Bye Laws (117 KB)
, Financial Bye Laws (72.2 KB)
, Sabbatical Rules (42 KB)
GC constitutes Standing Finance Committee, Academic Council and other committees to address the specific issues.
The Director is responsible for regular executive functions of the Institute and is assisted by the Dean for academic matters and the Registrar for administrative activities.
3.5 Courses being run by the Institute
3.6 Address of the Institute:
Film and Television Institute of India
Law college Road
Erandwane, Pune 411004
Maharashtra, India
3.7 Institute working hours:
The Academic & the Administration Departments: 09.30 AM to 06.00 PM, Monday to Friday (lunch break 1.30 P.M to 2.00 pm) / Security Section: round the clock
4.0 Functions