Gajanan Jagirdar Library (Book and Video)
Library Rules
Library Hours
Library remains open on Monday to Friday – 9.30am to 6.00pm
On Saturday - 9.30am to 1.30pm
Ms. Anuradha Vajire (Librarian: Books)
Ph. No. 020-25580036/37
Email : library[at]ftii[dot]ac[dot]in
Location of the library
FTII library is located on the second floor of TV building.
Collection of the library
FTII library houses total collection of 31000(appx) resources which includes books covering various subject areas like cinema and related subjects like Indian cinema, direction, cinematography, sound recording, acting, screenplay writing, theatre, visual art, paintings etc.
Resources are procured on the basis of recommendations received from the users of the library.
The book collection of the library consists of books, bound-volumes of periodicals and audio visual materail. Library follows open access system for most of the while some are preserved in closed stacks and made available only on request.
Types of Resources
1. Books
Entire collection of books is mainly divided into General & Reference Resources based on the price and usage. General resources are mainly non-technical books where as Reference books are mainly of technical nature.
These books are arranged subject wise and classified according Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, widely followed in many libraries across globe. This number represents the subject of the book. On the shelves, the books are further arranged by unique Accession No. given to each book.
Display of New Books
At different intervals, new books that were added to our stock, are displayed in the New arrival section. A list of such new additions is displayed on all the notice of the institute as well as on the library OPAC available on intranet.
2. Journals, Newspapers, and Magazines
The library subscribes to 9 Indian and 10 International periodicals. All current issues are displayed on front display racks. Back volumes of journals are get bounded for future reference. Total 10 newspapers are subscribed by the library, out of which 5 are in English, 4 in Marathi and 1 in Hindi.
3. Audio Visual Collection:
AV collection of the library includes DVDs of films, CDs or DVDs accompanied with books and tapes of FTII student diploma films and projects, Short films, Documentaries in various formats like UMatic, Beta, Digi Beta, VHS, DV Cam, Mini DVs etc.
Total collection of Audio Visual resources is around 6500.
Membership of the library
Library membership is given to the members of the library which includes FTII Students, Faculty members (Contractual or Permanent), Administrative Staff (Permanent). Membership of to the students enrolled for the short courses is given against the approval of the Director with same circulation rules.
Circulation of the resources
Library resources are issued only to the members of the library which includes FTII Students, Faculty members (Contractual or Permanent), Administrative Staff
(Permanent) as given below:
Category of member |
Type of resource |
Entitlement |
Lending period |
No of renewals allowed |
Fine (Rs.) |
Director |
Books (Gen/Ref) |
10 |
1 Month |
4 |
- |
Group A |
Books(Gen/Ref) |
5 |
1 Month |
4 |
- |
Group B |
Books(Gen/Ref) |
4 |
1 Month |
4 |
- |
Group C |
Books(Gen/Ref) |
2 |
1 Month |
4 |
- |
Students |
Books (Gen) |
3 |
15 Days |
4 |
Rs.2/- per day |
Students |
Books (Ref) |
1 |
15 Days |
1 |
Rs.10/- per day |
Online Public Access Catalogue
An OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) is an online bibliography of a library collection that is available on the intranet. Through the OPAC interface users can find the items (Books, & Audio Visual Materials) available in the library.
Reprography Service:
Photocopies of the library resources (maximum upto 20 pages of each resource) are provided by the library as per Rs.2/- per page.
All the FTII related news articles published in the newspapers are preserved by the library and circulated to the concerned authorities on regular basis.
Mailing Notifications:
All the users of the library are informed about all the transactions carried out by them through the notifications sent by e mails.
E renewals:
Books issued to the users can be renewed either through Library OPAC portal using log in id given to the users or through e mail sent on library email id.
Reservation facility:
Books on high demand can be reserved by the users through the claim system
Video Library
The Institute has a sizeable collection of films and videos and also has access to the collection of the National Film Archive of India located near its campus.
VHS, U-matic, and Betacam Cassettes of Indian and foreign features and short films, documentary and student films, TV programmes, video documentaries made by students and TV trainees are housed in the Video Library. The Video Library also curates audio-visual material like Disc Records, Video Cassettes and DVDs/VCDs.
Total Count at the Video Library
DVCAM - 560
DBT - 58
BT - 1018
VHS - 725
UMT - 2004
MiniDV - 690
Master DVD’s - 1086